The leading cause of melanoma is the over exposure to ultroviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources. Exposed human skin can tan or burn – both are signs of damage to the underlying cells. A burn, in particular, is a marker of extensive damage that normal DNA repair mechanisms may not be able to repair. Sunburn at any age is an indicator of UVR overexposure (generally intermittent exposure) and increases the risk of skin cancer, particularly of melanoma. The rate of melanoma skin cancer is still increasing although this is a largely preventable cancer.
“Currently, melanoma has seen one of the fastest expansions in incidence among cancers in developed countries. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation through sunlight, tanning beds, tanning booths or sun lamps is a well-established risk factor for melanoma. Past increases in sun exposure without adequate sun safety likely accounts for the continued rise in melanoma rates” – CCS Annual Cancer Stats 2024 [3]
Melanoma Facts
- Melanoma is a very serious and potentially deadly form of skin cancer and is one of the few cancers with incidence rates on the rise.
- The survival rate for melanoma is high if it is detected early and unlike many cancers, melanoma is often clearly visible on the skin.
- Melanoma can affect anyone regardless of sex, age or race.
- The leading cause of melanoma is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources (tanning beds, sunlamps).
- A single blistering sunburn before the age of 20 increases the risk of developing melanoma later in life.
- One indoor tanning session can increase the risk of skin cancer (Ontario Sun Safety Working Group)
- UV exposure can lead to skin damage such as early wrinkling and photoaging.
- UV-emitting tanning devices are now also classified as carcinogenic to humans based on their association with skin and ocular melanoma cancers [3].
Melanoma Stats
- Melanoma is one of the most common cancer types found in young adults aged 15-29 and 30-49. [1].
- Melanoma is the 7th most commonly diagnosed cancers in Canada. [1].
- In 2024 an estimated 11,300 people in Canada (6,500 males, 4,800 females) will be diagnosed with melanoma [2] This is an increase of 17% from 2023.
- In 2024, an estimated 1,300 people in Canada will die from melanoma. (850 males, and 440 females) [2].
- According to World Health Organization (WHO) 85% of melanomas among men and women in Canada aged 30+ years are attributed to UV radiation exposure.
- Early exposure to tanning beds can increase a person’s chance of developing melanoma by up to 75%.
- Artificial tanning devices emit 15x the amount of UV rays as from sun exposure
- Outdoor workers are up to 2.5 to 3.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with skin cancers (Ontario Sun Safety Working Group)
Impact of COVID-19
- In Canada 1,999 melanomas undiagnosed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. [gc]
A Global survey of over 700 dermatologists estimates 21% of early-stage melanoma undiagnosed due to 33% of professional skin-check appointments missed during COVID lockdowns.
Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Stats
- Over 80,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in Canada each year
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer, making up about 75% of all non-melanoma skin cancers diagnosed.
- The leading cause of skin cancer is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation
[1] 2023 Canadian Cancer Statistics
[2] Projected estimates of cancer in Canada in 2024
[3] 2024 CCS Annual Canadian Cancer Stats