Melanoma & Skin Cancer Support
Find Support
Phone and Email Support
Available Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm EST. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours. All calls and emails and are confidential.
Learn MoreCancer Coaching
Available Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm EST. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours. All communications are strictly confidential.
Learn MorePatient Information Session
Melanoma Canada’s Patient Information Sessions are a series of presentations by leading Canadian oncologists, dermatologists, surgeons, psychologists and more on the latest in melanoma treatment options and support services
Learn MorePeer to Peer Support Program
Providing patients and caregivers with someone who has been down the same path can provide immeasurable support.
Learn MoreMelanoma & Skin Cancer Support Group
Virtual Monthly support group meetings in a virtual format the first Wednesday of every month. Our groups share information, understanding, challenges, questions, tips and invites guest speakers. We provide an evening of encouragement, connection and support.
Learn MoreFacebook Support Groups
Connect with other melanoma and skin cancer patients or caregivers in a private, safe, and monitored platform. We offer disease specific groups for skin cancer and melanoma, as well as grief and caregiver support groups. Our groups are designed to offer vital community and connection.
Join a Facebook Support GroupPatient Stories
Melanoma Canada shares a wall of inspiring patient stories who have faced the reality of skin cancer. A look at their personal journeys of dealing with and overcoming skin cancers of various types.
Learn MoreMelanoma & Skin Cancer Resources
Resources To Help You Along The Way
Melanoma Canada’s publications have been written with the help of specialists in oncology, dermatology and surgery. Our publications are useful for melanoma patients, caregivers and health care professionals. Available in both English and French. Download or order your publications today.
Order Publications
The purpose of this booklet is to help people diagnosed with the most common form of melanoma - cutaneous melanoma - to learn about this form of skin cancer and how it is treated.

Understanding the importance and function of the layers of skin may help you to understand BCC, how it develops, and how you can protect your skin in the future.

Understanding the importance and function of the layers of skin may help you to understand cSCC, how it develops, and how you can protect your skin in the future.

An information guide for patients newly diagnosed with uveal melanoma.

The purpose of this booklet is to help people diagnosed with melanoma navigate adjuvant treatment options.

A guide to upper and lower limb lymphedema for the newly diagnosed melanoma patient

As a patient taking targeted therapy, sun safety has to become a priority during treatment.

Skin Cancer Resources
Melanoma & Skin Cancer Clinical Trials
Clinical trials provide individuals with cancer access to the newest types of treatment. These trials are studies of new therapies to determine whether a medication is safe and effective.
Find a Clinical TrialFind a Dermatologist Near You
Access to a list of rapid access clinics, mole mapping clinics and other skin cancer specialists across Canada. Additional resources from the Canadian Dermatology Association are provided.