Paitent Stories
Nadine Leger
Early Detection Saves Lives
I was diagnosed with Melanoma on Friday, May 13th, how cliché right? Despite the initial fear and challenges, early detection turned out to be my saving grace, sparing me from chemotherapy. After multiple surgeries, I’m now back to my normal day-to-day life. The watchful eye of my dermatologist will be with me for the next 5 years, ensuring my continued well-being.
My melanoma journey began when I noticed a small, very dark growth that had emerged over a healthy mole. It caught my attention because it was growing surprisingly fast. Alarmed, I shared a photo of it with my family physician, who acted quickly by referring me to a dermatologist the very next day. That’s when I had my first surgery. The dermatologist wasted no time, removing the suspicious growth as she was almost certain it was melanoma. As suspected, the results confirmed it was. Approximately a month later, I found myself in the care of a plastic surgeon for my second surgery.
Being aware of my body saved my life. My melanoma was an aggressive one, and it was located on the lower part of my leg, not an area I usually paid much attention to. I can’t stress enough how crucial early detection is. It made all the difference in my battle against melanoma.
Inspired by my own journey, I started a skin cancer awareness program at my workplace. This program is a yearly initiative, with information distributed to employees twice a year, in the summer and winter. I’m thrilled to say that my program hit home with my colleagues, and it’s heartwarming to know that several of them reached out to tell me that, because of my program, they too were saved by early detection.
When I share my story and work to raise awareness about melanoma, my heart smiles large. I only hope my story can inspire others, just as I’ve been inspired, to check your skin monthly. Together, let’s keep spreading the word about the importance of early detection in the fight against melanoma and skin cancer.
Find a Dermatologist Near You
Access to a list of rapid access clinics, mole mapping clinics and other skin cancer specialists across Canada. Additional resources from the Canadian Dermatology Association are provided.